University Procedure: Extracurricular Use of University Facilities

Category: Facilities

Original Issuance:

Responsible Executive: Senior Vice Chancellor Business and Operations

Section: Control and Assignment

Revised Date: August 10, 2016

Responsible Office/Department: Facilities


Procedure Summary

To provide the steps for requesting use of University facilities, University grounds, and related equipment for extracurricular activities.



The following facilities are included in the provisions of this procedure.

  • Student Facilities - Facilities controlled and assigned by the Vice Provost and Dean of Students, and include the William Pitt Union, residence halls, and food service facilities
  • Classroom Facilities - University owned or rented classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoria, or conference rooms are available on a space available basis after teaching assignments are completed
  • Other Facilities - Facilities or property owned, leased, or rented by the University, which could be used for special events. However, because of the nature of certain facilities, special handling is required.  See Attachment A of Policy 04-01-01 for the names of those who are initial contacts for requests to schedule those facilities

Groups and/or organizations that are officially recognized by or affiliated with the University are eligible to use University facilities subject to the guidelines established in Policy 04-01-01, Use of University Facilities.

Groups and/or organizations that are not officially recognized or affiliated with the University require a University sponsor.

Any regular faculty or staff member who is willing to assume responsibility for an individual or group requesting use of a University facility for extracurricular use may request use of a University facility, with the concurrence of their appropriate senior administrator.  The determination as to whether the use falls within the guidelines established in Policy 04-01-01, Extracurricular Use of University Facilities, will be made by the appropriate University officer.  It is the responsibility of the sponsor to attend each event.  The sponsor must also: provide the departmental account number; secure the approval and signature of the senior officer in his area; alert the senior officer that any charges for security, maintenance, or damage caused to University property may be charged to their Account Number.


Use of Facilities For Extracurricular Activities

Eligible User

  1. Contact the appropriate Reservation Office at least two weeks prior to the date of intended use by completing FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities.
  2. No space will be held for any organization until the completed form is submitted.

Requests by Eligible Users for Classroom/Teaching Facilities

Eligible User

  1. Contact the Office of the University Registrar, Room Scheduling Office.
  2. Complete FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities (Exhibit A), and ensure that all requested information is provided.
  3. Submit a check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh for each room requested, multiplied by each date requested to the University Sponsor   (fee will be returned if application is not approved).


Requests by Eligible Users for the use of the Cathedral of Learning Commons Room, Alumni Hall Auditorium, Connolly Ballroom and Lobbies, Bruce Hall 12th Floor Suite

Eligible User

  1. Contact the Office of Special Events.
  2. Complete FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities (Exhibit A), and ensure that all requested information is provided.
  3. Submit a check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh for each room requested, multiplied by each date requested to the University Sponsor (fee will be returned if application is not approved).

Requests by Certified Student Organizations and the Chaplains Association

Eligible User

  1. Contact the William Pitt Union Reservations Office.
  2. Complete FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities (Exhibit A), and ensure that all requested information is provided.
  3. Submit a check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh for each room requested, multiplied by each date requested to the University Sponsor (fee will be returned if application is not approved).

University Grounds

Eligible User

  1. Contact the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Business and Operations.
  2. Complete FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities (Exhibit A), and ensure that all requested information is provided.
  3. Submit a check made payable to the University of Pittsburgh for each room requested, multiplied by each date requested to the University Sponsor (fee will be returned if application is not approved).

Confirmation by Reservation Centers

Reservation Centers

  1. Upon receipt of the completed request form verify that the requester is eligible to use University facilities.  Ensure that all sections of the form are completed.
  2. Determine the availability of space and bill the University account number of the Department Sponsor.
  3. Process the request form and complete the approval page of the form, noting exceptions, if appropriate.
  4. Send a confirmation to the sponsor, requester, University Registrar’s Office, Facilities Management, the University Police Department, and other applicable offices (Media Services, University Catering, the Parking Office, Student Life, or Special Events).
  5. Requests may be denied for, among other reasons, the following:
    1. the application is not fully completed or executed (including required attachments);
    2. the application fee has not been tendered;
    3. the certificate of insurance has not been
    4. tendered or is expired or otherwise invalid;
    5. the application contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation;
    6. the applicant is under 18 or otherwise incompetent to contract;
    7. the applicant has outstanding debts due to the University;
    8. a fully executed permit for the time and place of the requested use has already been received and approved or will be approved and the requested use will not permit multiple occupancy of the requested facility or area;
    9. the use or activity will conflict with previously planned or authorized programs conducted by the University that will occur around the same time and place;
    10. the proposed use or activity is inconsistent with the classifications and uses of the facilities or areas requested per the facilities use policy;
    11. the use or activity intended by the applicant would present an unreasonable danger to the health or safety of the applicant or others in the University or surrounding community;
    12. the use or activity intended by the applicant is prohibited by law or University policy;
    13. the application is untimely submitted;
    14.  the application is submitted by a for-profit or other external University group without University affiliation.

Office of Risk Management

  1. Obtain the necessary release from the responsible administrator in the office to which the space is assigned and determine if special "one time" insurance is required.


  1. Oversee the implementation of the event to guarantee compliance to applicable policy and procedures and to assist when needed.
  2. Collect fees from the eligible user.
  3. The University Sponsor will notify the Office of Risk Management of the request to ensure that appropriate insurance coverage is met.



The Vice Provost and Dean of Students 

is responsible for certification of student organizations and approval of the use of the William Pitt Union for all groups.

The Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management 

is responsible for establishment of maintenance cost estimates where labor and/or material are involved; coordination of setups requested by the user; submission to the appropriate sponsor, within three days after the event, an itemized bill with an explanation for all damages over and above fair wear and tear incidental to the use of the facility; and notification to a security administrator when aware of an attempt made by an individual or organization to use a facility without a permit.

The Chief of the University Police Department 

is responsible for verification that users present at the event site have the required, approved permit form; eviction of those without the proper authorization; and assurance that the user has access to an entrance to a facility which is generally locked during the time of requested usage.

Related Authorities

Policy 04-01-01, Extracurricular Use of University Facilities

Exhibit A - FORM 0017, Request for Use of University Facilities