This policy governs the review and approval processes in connection with any agreement entered into, by or on behalf of the University, 1) between the University of Pittsburgh and one or more foreign governments and/or universities or other organizations domiciled outside the United States, regarding the use of this University’s faculty, student, library, or other research or instructional resources, or 2) that commits the University of Pittsburgh to the deployment of faculty, student, library, or other research or instructional resources outside of the United States.
Category: Faculty and Academic
Section: Academic Programs
Effective Date: November 16, 1998
Last Reviewed: November 16, 1998
Responsible Unit:
Responsible Executive: Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor
Policy Contact:
Procedure(s) and Supporting Documents
AO 21 International Inter-institutional Academic Agreements Procedure (formerly 02-01-05)
Exhibit A - International Agreement Routing Form (0194 PITT 5026)