This policy establishes the criteria used to classify a student as a Pennsylvania Resident (PA Resident) or Non-Resident for tuition purposes. It also provides information as to the requirements for appealing the residency classification and the exemptions for certain military-affiliated students.
Procedure(s) and Supporting Documents
Please refer to the policy and/or the policy contact for any accompanying procedures, supporting documents, and/or forms.
Update History
May 18, 2020 - Section V.C. was revised to incorporate amendments to Chapter 32 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 51 (Military Affairs) which expanded in-state tuition eligibility to include PA National Guard members’ spouses, surviving spouses, and children, who are eligible for benefits under the Military Family Education Program (MFEP), beginning in the academic year 2020 - 2021. Previously, only the PA National Guard Member was eligible for the in-state tuition rate.