University of Pittsburgh Delegations of Signature Authority

Part I. Authority

Pursuant to Chapter I, Article 4.1 of the Bylaws of the University of Pittsburgh, the Chairperson and Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer are authorized to execute legal documents on behalf of the University. In accordance with that provision, the Chairperson and Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer are authorized to retain or delegate that authority in writing. Such delegations authorize those receiving the delegated authority to act on behalf of the University and bind the University to a legally enforceable obligation.

The enclosed Tables identify such delegations issued by the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer and any further delegations of those authorities. Any delegation of authority is intended only for administrative convenience and is not intended to replace or otherwise alter the authority granted to the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer by the Board of Trustees. These Tables are to be interpreted as strictly limited to the documents and subjects described. While each entry is believed to be clear, on occasion a party external to the University may wish to verify the authority of the person purporting to be an authorized signatory on behalf of the University.

Verification of authority to bind the University may be obtained as follows:

For delegated authority to purchases of goods or services, contact the E-SVC/CFO’s Director of Purchasing Services at 412-624-8785 or the Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Operations at 412-624-6832.  For general questions about purchasing transactions of goods and services visit PantherExpress Buying and Paying or submit an inquiry to the PantherExpress Customer Service Center.
For all other transactions, including clarifying ambiguity in the enclosed Table, contact the Office of University Counsel at 412-624-5674.

Requests to change the authorities delegated in this Table should be also directed to the Office of University Counsel at 412-624-5674


IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THOSE EXERCISING AUTHORITY: Any attempt to bind the University in a way that is contrary to a properly executed and filed delegation will be treated as an unauthorized activity for which you may be held personally liable.

Part III. Delegations to Senior Leadership

Table A identifies and summarizes delegations of signature authority to the University’s Senior Leadership. As noted therein, certain authorities are not subject to further delegation. The authority to execute documents related to the purchase of goods and services for the University has been delegated to the Executive Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer, and the authority to hire individuals who are not deans, presidents, faculty, or coaches at the University has been delegated to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Those authorities may be further delegated when the required conditions are met.

Signature Authority Delegations Table A

Part IV. Authorized Sub-Delegations

Table B identifies and summarizes all authorized delegations beyond the University’s Senior Leadership. Where noted, Senior Leadership may further delegate the signature authority granted to them by the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, and in some cases, a further delegation must be approved by the Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer. In order to be effective, copies of any delegations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Legal Officer.

Signature Authority Delegations Table B

Table C identifies and summarizes all authorized delegations regarding the ability to sign purchasing agreements. In order to be effective, copies of any delegations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Legal Officer.

Signature Authority Delegations Table C